What causes lack of motivation and how to overcome them

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This loss of motivation hits everyone in life, from school students to the highly effective executive. Motivated people are generally more active and successful in all areas of life. Therefore you should be a motivated person if you are not already. But everything good in life takes time. Check out some ideas here and overcome your reasons for a sudden loss of motivation.

What causes a loss of motivation?

Negative self-talk: If you don’t value yourself then, change and identify your limiting beliefs first and exchange them for empowering ones. For example: Instead of “I can not do this” replace it with “I can do this, I just need to figure out how”. Find your “why”: If you don’t have a strong enough why then, this can be a reason for your loss of motivation for something.
If your big task is to learn Javascript then you need to make your task smaller by spending one hour, going through the Javascript course is a much easier task. If you are living an unhealthy lifestyle and having a lack of sleep this means you have a poor diet and you are not physically active which may lead to a lack of motivation.

Why motivation is important

Motivation wok as a driving force in our life it comes from the desire for success. Without motivation, you can’t get your work done personally and professionally. Motivation improves performance and builds a positive attitude in a person. Sometimes people are unaware that they are negatively motivated and remain the same whole life. People do things because of their reasons and not because of your. So no one else can keep motivating you. Thus take responsibility for your actions and behavior to see a change in your life.

7 Reasons you have no motivation and how to overcome them

  • You are too busy: Breaks boost a person and not waste time. Take more breaks throughout the day and prioritize your work.
  • You have a hard time getting started: A study shows that people find starting the most difficult part. Take small steps and start to increase your productivity.
  • You have a hard time separating work from your personal life: Simply leave your work at the office and do not mix two different things.
  • You are emotionally exhausted, detached, or both: Reconnecting with your work and your coworker will help. Reconnect with self and be more mindful.
  • You are not making good use of your time: Make more plans, schedule your tasks, and see if you are spending your time without awareness.
  • You are mentally and physically exhausted: Too many responsibilities or works together can exhaust anyone. Take a long weekend or a mental health day.
  • You need a new job: Communication and maybe quitting will work if you are de-motivated because of your job.

How to stay motivated

Motivation fades over time to keep motivating yourself is a continuous process. Sometimes people are aware that they are de-motivated but unable to remain motivated. After watching a motivation video or podcast you feel motivated but, the next day you feel de-motivated again. Motivation can disappear quickly and unexpectedly. Here are some easy ways to get back motivation.

People keep delaying important things and feel they have a lot of time. Instead, work like you have limited offer and time for everything, else one day you will realize that you don’t have enough time and now you can’t do anything to fulfill your dreams. Focus is important. Focus on rewards, achievement, and success and not on problems, failures, and negative things. Stay hungry for your goals, it will keep motivating you and, you will reach your goal. Work in silence and show in public. Increase your difficulty level will prepare you for the worst. Sometimes the reason for lack of motivation is fear that you will lose in front of others.
Know the triggers that make you feel de-motivated like songs, any friend, or situation. Understand yourself, be aware and learn to avoid those triggered situations. And lastly, make a list of tasks and tick or write down the tasks you completed, which will make your belief system stronger.

Boost your motivation

You can boost your motivation by following these simple tips and tricks:

  • Empower or refresh your motivational memories.
  • Stay healthy
  • Reward yourself, give yourself miniature reminders of what you are working towards and reward after achieving one.
  • Find podcast, apps, or other media on motivation
  • Utilize smart (Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant and Time-bound) goal. Goals motivate us, setting goals will feel more attainable. And when something is in our reach, we feel motivated.
  • Self-efficacy or have faith in yourself. Convince yourself that you are capable.
  • Healthy and friendly competition – You can use that natural drive to your advantage.
  • Constructive feedback can push you in new directions and areas. The point of feedback here is to improve.

:By- Priya Panwar

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6 Tips to Motivate yourself.

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