The Type of Leadership Needed During Current Times

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A global pandemic, economic crisis, mass unemployment, civil unrest, climate change, hunger, homelessness, and poverty. When it comes to current times, the list of problems continues to grow. If we’re going to make it through to the other side, the world needs more leaders willing to step up to the challenge. Whether you own a business, hold a political office, or simply someone that wants to inspire positive change during times of adversity, here are some of the leadership characteristics you’ll need. 


Getting through difficult times requires compassionate leaders. You need leaders that not only know what’s going on but show a real concern for how it impacts others. Through compassion, you’re able to meet your target audience where they are and speak to them in a manner they understand. When you care about others’ needs over profit, you build stronger relationships, enhance trust, encourage collaboration, and cultivate loyalty. 

For example, a leader that realizes their impact on the environment can show compassion by making sustainable changes like using local manufacturing and shipping companies, reducing paper and plastic consumption, or installing a reverse osmosis system. These investments may cost more upfront but ultimately help improve the environment and the health of the people they serve. This level of compassion is recognized by target audiences which encourages them to stick with a particular brand. 

Compassion: The Type of Leadership Needed During Current Times: COVID-19: Global Pandemic


The global pandemic created various problems in everyday life. Influential leaders are those that know how to view a problem and develop solutions that benefit the masses. Lockdowns and operational restrictions resulted in economic hardship for brick and mortar businesses. The brands that thrived were those that switched to eCommerce platforms and remote teams to safeguard the well-being of employees, customers, and the community. Such strategies ensure the company continues to generate revenue without compromising the health and safety of others. 

Problem-Solving: The Type of Leadership Needed During Current Times: COVID-19: Global Pandemic
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Effective Communication 

From managing remote teams to talking to the general public, communicating effectively is vital during current times. Business partners, investors, employees, customers, and community members need to hear honest and transparent messages from those in charge to prevent restlessness, confusion, and disorganization. 

Whether you’re delegating tasks to virtual workers or addressing the latest COVID-19 updates with the general public, how you communicate during these trying times makes a big difference. Leaders have to be clear about the facts, express what they know, be honest about what they don’t, and state what they need from their audiences. 

Effective Communication: The Type of Leadership Needed During Current Times: COVID-19


When the world seems to be upside down, the people need confident leaders to guide them. Think about it. If the president of the united states addressed a worried public with doubts, concerns, and panic, chances are chaos and mayhem would follow. Similarly, if a business owner tries to calm their employees’ fears but doesn’t have any clear answers and exudes panic, their teams will become frantic as they try to take matters into their own hands.

Without overpromising or providing false hope, leaders must be ready to step up to the challenge and show their skills. Though it’s only natural to feel panic, worry, or concern, leaders that can keep their cool will always win. When faced with adversity, the best leaders can devise a plan based on facts that will resolve the problem. Whether it’s developing a solution for mass vaccine distribution or protecting employees during in-person transactions, they delegate tasks and work to support their teams (or audience) as they navigate these trying times. 

Confidence: leadership: Global pandemic

The onset of the global pandemic brought with it a myriad of challenges that continue to this day. If the world is going to get through to better days, they need the right people in a position to lead. From the podium at the White House to the zoom conference call in the workplace, everyone is looking to those in higher positions to guide them through these challenging circumstances. Those fit for these positions are people that display a high level of compassion, confidence, problem-solving, and effective communication.

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