Teenage and Career building

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Teenage is that phase of our lives where we are the most impulsive. In this stage of our life it is very important for us to have proper guidance. At this time we start exploring and experimenting with new things and weigh our options.

We are free to make mistakes at this point in time as long as they are healthy mistakes. Now what really decides if these mistakes are healthy or toxic is that whether they will negatively affect your life or not.

Common mistakes teenagers make:

Did you know that teenagers are highly influenced by characters from web series and movies and take many decisions just to copy that character? Hence, it is very important to keep a record of what they are watching. If you are a teenager yourself, ask yourself if what you are watching is negatively impacting your behaviour or not. A good way to know whether you are being affected is to simply ask your sibling or friend if they are noticing any change in your behaviour.

Being in the wrong company is another mistake that teenagers are prone to make and the most dangerous fact about being in the wrong company is that you won’t realize the toxicity and harmfulness of that company once you are a part of it. Your thoughts will be affected, your behaviour will change, your perspective will change if you let any toxic company in your life. You will feel accepted and welcome in that company but that is for a very short period.

Here is a list of things you can do yourself if you are a teenager:

1. Read “good” books

The reading book is the best advice one can give to someone, especially teenagers because a healthy habit must start early. But again, what you are reading is also important. Books having mentions of extreme violence, explicit content, or any kind of unhealthy topics can have an adverse effect on personality. At this stage of life, we must try to stay away from negativity as much as possible.

2. Experiment with career options

As already mentioned, in teenage, we tend to weigh our options regarding our career. We start understanding our likes and dislikes, our comfort zone, and most importantly, our career life. Hence, it is important to take part in social activities because the only way to know if you enjoy something is by experiencing it.

If coming up on roadblocks while making career choices, it is always better to seek counsel, ask, or assess your own preferences and abilities. Psychometric tests, Career counselling and skill tests are excellent ways to start at it.

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3. Research about things that interest you

The things that you are doing just for the sake of pass time can mean something deeper. Research about it and try to understand the career options related to them. You might not be aware of all kinds of careers the new generation has to offer, that is why you must not let your talents idle, be it stitching, video editing, or anything that you are confident about but never took seriously.

There must not be any pressure given to any teenager to work because it is their time of learning and exploring, however, minor jobs or internships can be very beneficial for them as they will have the opportunity to experience and learn from the practical world.

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