How To Choose A Career: A Guide

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Here are some tips you can use to choose the right career from the many career options available!

Choose A Career Keeping In Mind Your Interests

It is the most important thing to discover before selecting any career option. You should know where you are interested. For example- when you study a subject and enjoy attending lectures, performing practicals or doing the course work, etc. It will increase your chances of better grades in colleges and further success in the profession when your work life begins. So it is important that whatever career you are choosing should be in your interest.


You should know what skills you have by assessing yourself to choose a career. In which subject you are good at, which sports you play to do well, what are your soft skills etc. Also, talk to your family and friends to know more about your skills. Make a list of occupations that are a good fit based on them.

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Make A List of Careers To Explore

After knowing your skills and interests you may have multiple lists of occupations in front of you. To keep it organized, you should combine them into one master list. As your interests and skills ​ indicate that these occupations are a good fit for you based on many of your traits, they’re definitely worth exploring. So find any occupations on your lists that appeal to you. They may be careers you know a bit about and want to explore further. Also, it may include professions about which you don’t know much. So by exploring them you might learn something unexpected.

Create a shortlist

After exploring your options, start eliminating the careers you don’t want to pursue any further. You should end up with two to five occupations on your “shortlist”. Remove all those options with jobs that don’t appeal to you. Eliminate careers that have weak job outlooks. Eliminate the occupation in which you are unable or unwilling to fulfill the educational or other requirements, or you lack some soft skills you need, to succeed in it.

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Set Financial Goals Before Choosing A Career

Your career choice should include a financial goal. If you want a big farmhouse and also a private jet, a job as a clerk will not help you achieve that. Your career choice should be able to meet your demands. You may have to make some compromises along the way, but along with your interest, the career you choose should allow you to meet your financial goals.

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Assess Your Social Needs

You have to spend half of the time of your day with the people you work with, so choose the career which is a good social fit for you. If you’re a loner who doesn’t enjoy social interaction, you may be well-suited for a career where you work independently or work from home. If you love to meet new people and if you are an extrovert, you may find a career where you work with the public.

social interaction, financial goal

Conduct Informational Interviews

After eliminating most of the options from your list, dig more in-depth by arranging meetings with people who work in the occupations you are interested in. These people can provide primary knowledge about the careers on your list. Access your network, to find people with whom you can have these informational interviews.  Many people will meet happily with you to talk about the pros and cons of what they do. They can give you advice on choosing a career and tell you whether they would make the same career choice if they could turn back time.

Hire A Career Coach To Choose The Right Career

For choosing a career you need a professional career coach to help you measure your aptitude for success in different professions and navigate your transition from the job you have now toward your dream job. When you feel like you’re stuck on your current career path, a career counselor may help you jump-start the process and move onward and upward toward success.

Hire A Career Coach, choosing a career, how to choose a career, Career options, soft skills

Make Your Choice

After doing all your research, you are probably ready to make your choice. Pick the option that you think will bring you the most satisfaction according to all the information you have gathered. Realize that you are allowed to do-overs if you change your mind about your choice at any point in your life. As many people change their careers few times.

By- Charu Jain

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