Best Career Options in Europe

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Are you looking to move abroad and find a new job? If so, you might be interested in the list of jobs that we have compiled for people who are seeking work opportunities. In this blog post, we will share with you some of the best career opportunities in Europe! There are a few different types of job opportunities in Europe, including but not limited to: office jobs, manufacturing jobs, health care jobs, and more. Moving abroad is an exciting way to experience new cultures while gaining valuable work experience!

Working abroad has always been a viable option for those looking to improve their skills and learn new languages, but with the uncertainty of Brexit in Europe, it has never been more enticing. One thing to note is that, while some universities do offer language degrees as part of their courses (to teach languages), many other institutions will not provide such qualifications but still require teaching staff fluent enough in at least one foreign language so that they can effectively pass on their knowledge and skills. This means it’s possible to work abroad with no degree whatsoever! The low cost of living combined with high salaries makes this an appealing choice for those who like adventure or want more flexibility when choosing where they live. A good starting point would be to research into how much money your chosen country offers versus what your current income levels are back home.


A good starting point would be to research into how much money your chosen country offers versus what your current income levels are back home. The cost of living in many European countries is low and the salaries are high, making it an attractive choice for those who like adventure or want more flexibility when choosing where they live. This means that one could work abroad with no degree whatsoever! It may also be worth looking at whether teaching qualifications will help you secure a job from this list before moving too far ahead in planning any life changes as these can often take some time to attain – particularly if there is currently difficulty getting visas due to Brexit negotiations!

The top 10 career opportunities in Europe are:

  •  Beautician or Hairdresser in Germany: €18.00/hour with no qualifications required! 
  •  Tax Consultant in Italy: The average salary is between $25K- $35K (~$29k to ~ $41k). Experience and higher education will lead to a higher income range.
  •  European Medical Doctor for the United States, Australia, or New Zealand:  This often requires expensive tuition fees but can offer generous salaries of up to £20000 (~ USD 28800). This position doesn’t require that you live abroad as it’s possible to work remotely.
  •  Funds Manager for an American, Australian, or Asian company: This position can offer salaries of up to £36,000 (~ $48k).

  • IT Manager for an American or European firm: It allows you the opportunity to oversee and manage all IT-related tasks.
  •  Senior Consultant in Germany: €31-$37/hour with no qualifications required!
  •  SEO Specialist for an Online Marketing Agency (US & Europe): This is a challenging career that often requires long hours but pays well ($45K-$72K per year). You’ll need at least three years of experience before being qualified for these positions.
  •  Tax Accountant in France: The average salary is between $24K (~ $30k). Experience will determine your pay scale based on the type of company at which you work, but generally speaking, these positions pay well.

An American who moves to France can expect a reasonable salary of €24K (~ $27k). However, those working for French companies may not earn such high salaries because they typically offer less than their counterparts abroad. If an employee is offered a higher wage by another employer or agency, he or she has little protection against being fired due to “dismissal without cause.” For this to be a viable option, the employee must have at least three years of experience before being qualified for these positions.


These are a few of the many career opportunities in Europe that offer an excellent salary and upward mobility potential. A quick search on job boards will produce more than enough results to find your next opportunity: “accounting jobs Europe” yields over 50k listings! However, there are dozens of other fields you can explore as well depending on what interests you most; it’s all about finding out what motivates you.

By- Priyanka Dhillon

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