9 Ways to Boost your Self-Confidence

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Self-confidence is the feeling of overall trust on one’s own abilities, qualities, personality and judgment. A healthy level of self-confidence is important for success in both professional and personal life, as well as physical and mental health. In this article, get to know ways to boost your confidence to find the best of yourself.

Understanding & accepting yourself for the person you are

Confidence starts from accepting who you are, and understanding the fact each person is different from another. You should understand what makes you unique is your strength, and embrace it. Don’t think less about yourself just because others can do something and you can’t. In other words, stop comparing yourself with other people. As the famous quote by Einstein goes, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

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Step out of your comfort zone & try new things

Even the thought of trying something that’s not in your comfort zone might seem uneasy. But that is how confidence is built – the more places you could work comfortably in a range of versatile environments, the better is your confidence.

You are what you think

Many people often think of themselves as timid, weird, shy or awkward. Whenever they do that, they are sub-consciously telling the brain to think that way, and influence their action that way too. This is actually a very damaging habit that is like a block to confidence. Instead, try telling yourself that you are a confident person capable of achieving wonders. Never think at you can’t do something, rather, try telling yourself, “I’ll figure out a way stop do this, I can do this”. Always have a positive attitude and think positive!


Work-out regularly

Exercise is not just something important for physical well-being but mental health as well too. It is known to improve mood, and on the long run, helps boost confidence too. It also gives a sense of accomplishing something, and who doesn’t feel proud when they have a healthy body? So it’s a win-win situation we have here!

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Your posture matters

The way you sit, stand and walk influence your brain instantly. That’s why it’s important to have a good posture. Practice sitting up straight in a poised, elegant manner. Walk like you’re on a mission, without slouching. Stand straight and tall. All these are bound to instantly boost your confidence.

"There's Always A Scope Of Improvement"

What you wear is what you think

Studies show that how you dress is how you think too. For example, in a research study, it has been shown that wearing a white coat increased that focus and attention of the participants. The kind of clothes influence your thinking – that doesn’t mean you have to wear to wear some expensive, designer wear clothing to feel confident. Presentable clothing you’re comfortable in are more than enough to feel more confident instantly.

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Remember what you’ve achieved & what you’re good at

Don’t let the Imposter syndrome, (a psychological feeling that what you’ve achieved isn’t enough, or you don’t deserve the accomplishments you’ve done so far) get to you. it is usually easier to remember our faults than our achievements. That’s why it’s important to write down your successes, and go through them once in a while. The more you remember you’ve accomplished things, the better you feel about your abilities, rising your confidence levels.

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Take control of your life

Learn to say no whenever it’s required. Set yourself boundaries which you wouldn’t want other to cross, and make them respect those. The more control you have over your own life, the better self-confidence you would have.

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Help others out

When we help someone out, we get a sense of gratefulness for the abilities we have. It helps us realize we are capable of making a difference. Try mentoring or teaching people, or just help out whenever you get the chance, it really makes a difference. 

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Self-confidence isn’t just a trait to possess, but something that influences your overall personality. Remember, for a successful career, confidence is the key.

By: Srinithya Ravinuthala

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