6 Simple Ways To Boost Your Confidence

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Everyone feels a lack of confidence once in their life. In our daily life, we face a lot of situations that force us to question our worth. We have to think that do we need a fresh start ?

So, yes, this is the time to Say goodbye to the previous you and get ready for the confident new version. 

Follow these 6 simple ways to upgrade your confidence:

Fake it to Make it

You require to alter your attitude and speculate you are the powerful and self-assured person you want to be. Just believe in yourself, that you will achieve everything you wanted. If you act confident, you will be confident. If you don’t believe in yourself that you are a confident person, how could someone else believe that? Psychology researches more than 500 students, academics, and workers who behaved more confidently reached a higher social rank. So, act confident to be confident.

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Be productive

Confidence is a derivative of a period well consumed. A confident person never wastes their time on useless stuff. They always beneficially utilize their time. So, whenever you have free time, don’t waste your time watching TV, playing games, mindlessly surfing the Internet, wasting time on social sites, partying on the weekend, and much more useless stuff. This stuff doesn’t provide you confidence. So be productive utilize your time in the good stuff. Try 1 or 2 productive stuff in a week and eradicate low-value habits.

Break your Addiction

It is your responsibility to end those addictions. They diminish your confidence and, keeps you locked in “little me” status. If you are telling yourself daily that you are too weak to make a better decision, this the worst thing you can do to yourself. It seems like you don’t want to see your progress. That’s exactly what you are doing when you get addicted to something. So, break your addictions, give yourself a chance to grow, and see yourself as a confident person.

Do something that scares you

If you settle into your daily routines, then it became a safety net. But when you see your friends and others who live their life to the fullest, maybe then it can hit your confidence. Try to do something new and different which challenge you. If you always stay in your shield, then definitely it won’t strengthen your confidence. You are giving a green sign to your negative voice. So come out of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself and, give yourself a chance to thrive. Everyone time you test yourself, you came one step closer to be a confident person.

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Say ‘Yes’

‘Yes’ is such a small word with a positive meaning. Perhaps asserting yes isn’t practical in all occurrences, but this one positive word helps you a lot to boost your confidence. This one positive word can encourage you a lot to do a lot of things. Saying ‘yes’ is probably the best thing you can do. If you stay positive and think positive, it will help you automatically to develop a positive attitude and boost your confidence.

Accept yourself

It is one of the strongest ways to assemble your grades of confidence is to learn to accept who you are. Having negative opinions about yourself is the major reason for low confidence. Instead, thinking of negative prospects, start focusing on your positive aspects. Start writing it in your diary and read them out loud in front of a mirror.



These small things are enough to make a big change. Try these simple ways to boost your confidence.

: By– Sananda Kumari

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