10 Signs You’ve Found Your Dream Job

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There’s nothing more gratifying than performing work every day that precisely coincides with your natural talents and interests, whether you’re a 9-to-5er or an entrepreneur. However, nothing is more aggravating than going to a job you despise every day. So, how do you know whether you’ve discovered your perfect match? Here are ten indicators that you’re on the correct track:

1. A small amount of effort can go a long way. You discover that mastering a skill or completing a project doesn’t need as much effort as you formerly thought. You have a natural ability to succeed. It’s true that practice makes perfect. However, you find that you have less practice than most and are able to achieve perfection (or anything near to it). You might not have had a lot of formal education. You, on the other hand, perform like a pro. Formal education merely makes you invincible.

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2. You have to pinch yourself every now and again because you can’t believe you get paid for what you do. You almost feel guilty about it because you would gladly do it for nothing. However, you are astute enough to recognize the value of your abilities.

3. You don’t consider the challenges you face to be a struggle or a setback. Rather, you regard those issues as temporary hurdles that you’re willing to face head on in order to discover the best answer.

4. You must restrain yourself from working excessively because it is so pleasurable.  You’re willing to put in the effort to achieve a new level of success. But hard work is incredibly rewarding!


5. You consistently obtain positive feedback on your work. After all, you’re fantastic at what you do, and it shows!

6. You’re getting a promotion every time you glance up. Because of your outstanding performance, you can’t help but accelerate down your career path at a breakneck pace.

7. In social circumstances, you find yourself talking about your work. You’re powerless to stop yourself. Because you’ve walked out of your office, your enthusiasm hasn’t gone away. You’re also proud of what you do!

8. You seem to attract new and intriguing chances. People will notice when you perform effectively and enjoy what you do. They’ll either keep you in mind for future possibilities or tell others about your outstanding performance. You become a magnet for fresh and interesting chances, in any case.

9. You have the freedom to be yourself. It’s not necessary to act like someone else. You’ve discovered a place where being yourself is valued.

10. You become thrilled and look forward to what you’ll do each day when you get up. And it feels fantastic!


Take some time to write out a list of your inherent abilities. Do you have decent communication skills? Are you a natural mathematician? Are you a logical thinker? Have you consistently gotten positive feedback on your abilities? Begin by identifying your strengths so that you can focus on opportunities that will allow you to put them to use.

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Take a trip down memory lane with us. Consider the times in your work life when you were at your happiest. Were there any components of your job that you particularly liked? Was there a project in which you excelled and it felt effortless? Making a list of your happiest and most gratifying experiences in your career will aid you in determining the type of work you should seek in your next position.


Make a list of the aspects of your current employment that you despise (and previous jobs). These are the things you should avoid in your next job. Knowing what you don’t want can also help you figure out what you should do. For example, if you despise your job’s monotony, this will help you articulate your desire for a more varied and changing career.

Patience is required. Even if you’re miserable in your current job, resist the impulse to move to the next job or career opportunity without first ensuring that it matches your natural abilities and interests. If you don’t, you’ll probably be unhappy and seek a new job.

By – Priyanka Dhillon

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