10 Easy Tips To Manage Stress And Anxiety

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Many adults who’re in their 20s and 30s suffer from anxiety and feel overwhelmed with stress. Since these are the most stressful times in a person’s life with people getting new jobs, marriage, parenting, managing work, and even regular everyday responsibilities. Everything and anything can make you anxious and lead to stress which might result in your body reacting adversely.

These can have several negative repercussions on your physical health like it can induce reactions like breathing issues, high blood pressure, and fast heartbeat. These can also lead to long-term effects on your mental health where you constantly question your self-worth and worry about being the best or not being able to give your 100% in any work.

However, there can be simple practices that can help in regulating your stress and anxiety. You can include these in your everyday life if you’re struggling with overwhelmingly bad feelings and anxiety.

Here we have 10 easy tips that can help you in managing your stress and anxiety. 

1. Deeper And Regulated Breathing

Practicing breathing techniques like belly breathing, abdominal breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, etc. can help you keep your anxiety at bay. You need to make sure you regulate your breathing and focus on taking slow and deep breaths. If you find yourself in an anxious situation, you can try taking deep and longer breaths for it to pass.

2. Exercise Regularly

Exercising and any physical activity can put physical stress on your body which helps in regulating mental stress. It is one of the most common ways to manage stress since it helps your body release stressregulating hormones. You can try regular activities like jogging, walking, running, dancing or an exercise routine that you enjoy. 

3. Maintain A Journal

Writing down your negative thoughts can help to relieve stress in the long-run. If you’re constantly struggling with negative thinking, it’s important to write these down to help you understand what triggers your anxiety and stress. And you can also write positive things which you’re grateful for to make sure you remind yourself of all the good things in your life as well.

journal, confidence,  manage stress and anxiety, anxiety

4. Practice Yoga Or Meditation

It’s no secret that yoga and meditation have several long-lasting health benefits. Practicing yoga or meditation daily for half an hour can give you a relaxing break from everyday stress. You can start small by watching some yoga asanas online and by downloading some available meditation apps. You need to make sure you also practice mindfulness and engage in positive self-talk throughout the process.

 manage stress and anxiety, anxiety

5. Spend Time With Loved Ones

Spending time with people you’re close with like your family or friends or even your pet can help you in regulating your stress. Everybody needs moral and social support which gives you a sense of belonging and self-worth. This will make sure you’re aware of your importance in other people’s lives and how your well-being impacts them as well.

friends and family, stress and anxiety

6. Light A Scented Candle

Using products like essential oils or lighting a scented candle can have a calming effect on your body. Some scents like lavender, rose, sandalwood, camomile, etc can be extra soothing effects. These can ensure you get a refreshing smell and lift your mood.

candle, anxiety

7. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake

Consuming too much caffeine can result in your body experiencing highly anxious thoughts and stressful reactions. It can also make you lose sleep and take a toll on your thoughts. You should regulate your caffeine intake and make sure you’re not consuming excessive coffee or eating high caffeine-rich food items like dark chocolate.

8. Listen To Calming Music To Reduce Stress

Listening to music that you enjoy and love can have a positive and relaxing effect on your body. Slow-paced and soothing instrumental music like classical and Indian music can be especially helpful. These can make sure your blood pressure is maintained and your body is relaxed by regulating your stress hormones.

9. Avoid Procrastinating

One of the most stressful situations you can create for yourself is to avoid doing your work and postponing it for later. You need to stop procrastinating and prioritize your work and get everything done that needs to be done today. You can also organize your day and make a to-do list for yourself which will make sure you’re not lazing around the entire day.

Avoid Procrastinating, manage stress and anxiety, anxiety

10. Learn To Say No 

Most of the people who experience anxiety and stress know how stressful it is to say no to someone. But if you want to keep your mental peace intact, you need to learn to say no to others. Irrespective of them being your friends or family members. If you’re not comfortable in any situation, you need to address it or walk out of it. And if you can’t give your assistance at the moment to anyone it’s important that you let them know it’s not feasible for you.

We hope these tips help you in managing your stress and anxiety better.

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